
Viser innlegg fra juli, 2012

Nytt utstyr for atom-sikringstiltak ved Sellafield

En ny massespektrometer blesatt i drift den 25. juli i det kjernefysiske gjenvinningsanlegget i Sellafield, i Storbritannia. De "on-site" laboratorier lokalisert i Sellafield drives av JRC institutt for Transuranium Elements (ITU) og ble satt opp i samsvar med EU-kommisjonens ivaretar forpliktelser i henhold til Euratom-traktaten. Dette anlegget behandler flere hundre tonn kjernefysisk materiale pr. år. Det nye utstyret bringer laboratoriene til det høyeste standard og sikrer god kontinuitet av de ivaretar aktiviteter i fremtiden.

New equipment for nuclear safeguards at Sellafield reprocessing plant

A new mass spectrometer was inaugurated on the 25 of July in the nuclear reprocessing plant of Sellafield, in the United Kingdom. The "on-site" laboratories located in Sellafield are managed by the JRC's Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) and were set up to comply with the European Commission's safeguards obligations under the Euratom treaty. This plant process several hundreds of tons of nuclear material in a year, calling therefore for a stringent system of safeguards measures. This new equipment brings the laboratories to the highest, state of the art standard and assures the good continuity of the safeguards activities in the future.