
Viser innlegg fra januar, 2013

Sea-transport from Sellafield with high radioactive waste

The programme of returning solid highly active waste (HAW) from the UK to Japan has continued with the departure of the purpose-built vessel, the Pacific Grebe, today, January 9th, carrying the transport of the third consignment of HAW from Sellafield to Japan.

Sellafield 'feil' setter URS ut av spillet

En amerikansk ingeniør-gruppe som ble kritisert av den britiske riksrevisjonen for sin drift av Sellafield kjernefysiske anlegg har droppet ut av budgivning for en ny skattyter-finansiert kontrakt på pund til nedbygging av Storbritannias eldste reaktorer.

Sellafield ‘failures’ put URS out of the game

An American engineering group that was criticised by the National Audit Office for its running of the Sellafield nuclear site has dropped out of bidding for a new taxpayer-funded £7 billion contract to decommission Britain’s oldest reactors.