Sea-transport from Sellafield with high radioactive waste

The programme of returning solid highly active waste (HAW) from the UK to Japan has continued with the departure of the purpose-built vessel, the Pacific Grebe, today, January 9th, carrying the transport of the third consignment of HAW from Sellafield to Japan.

One flask, containing 28 canisters of HAW, departed Sellafield site by rail on Tuesday, 8th January 2013 bound for the port of Barrow-in-Furness before being transported by sea from Barrow to Japan. It is estimated that it will arrive in Japan in the second half of February.

The transport from Sellafield is part of a programme that will see the delivery of UK government policy to repatriate overseas waste; the fulfilment of contractual obligations; and the reduction of hazards at Sellafield site.

The HAW will be transported in a way that is tried and tested and safe and secure. The waste itself is in a solid glass form inside stainless steel canisters, up to 28 of which sit within a very robust transport flask. This method of transporting waste complies with all international and national guidelines and regulations.

Source: Sellafield Ltd.


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