InfoArena 2016 meeting point Lofoten

All the details for InfoArena 2016 meeting point Lofoten are almost in the agenda. This will be a important meeting about handling used material from the nuclear industry.

And we will also focus on the dialog between the owners of the nuclear plant at Sellafield, UK Departement of Energy and Climate Change, the British Embassy in Oslo with HM Ambassador Sarah Gillett,  the operator Sellafield Ltd, the regulators Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Office for Nuclear Regulation, The Nordic Council, Nordland County Counsil and the very good results that we have achived together.

The organizers are Bellona, UK Departement of Energy and Climate change, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Sellafield Ltd and Guardians of our Common Seas (Lofoten mot Sellafield).  Bishop Emeritus Tor B. Jørgensen will also this time be the chair of the meeting.

We are disappointed that it looks like that the Norwegian Government will not be present at InfoArena 2016.


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