InfoArena 2012 Nuclear waste and safety

A joint conference continuing the dialogue towards trust and confidence

– PreConference statement 2012 -

The conference will take place near Sellafield on the 31st May and 1st June and is a joint conference arranged by Sellafield Ltd., Bellona and Guardians of our Common Seas (Lofoten mot Sellafield).

The conference is to be Chaired by Bishop Tor B Jørgensen, Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland, Norway. The conference will be addressed by a wide variety of speakers, considering the status and progress of safety and environmental issues of interest to the Nordic representatives. These include future management of oxide fuels, an update of Highly Active Liquor stocks, the European Union Stress Tests and safety performance and culture at the site.

The participants among other will be Todd Wright and Kliss McNeel Sellafield Ltd, Mark Steele NDA, Audun Garberg the Department of the Environment of Norway, Alfheidur Ingadotti, Jan Lindholm and Kim Kielsen Nordic Council's Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources.

The first joint conference was held in Sellafield in 2003 and continued through subsequent years in London, Lofoten, West Cumbria, Oslo and Brussels. This is the tenth year we organize joint conference.

We have, through joint effort developed openness and respect and have achieved very good results. We have established a platform for our politicians and experts to express their concerns and it has been possible for the UK representatives to respond and, where possible, provide solutions to those concerns.

This year's conference will give participants the opportunity to visit parts of the site relevant to the conference discussions. The conference will provide an opportunity for open dialogue and the objective is to end with a joint statement.

For more information:
Guardians of our Common Seas - Per-Kaare Holdal – phone +47 91106045


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