Programmet for konferansen i Sellafield 1. juni

InfoArena 2012 Nuclear Waste and Safety Conference  

A joint conference continuing the dialogue towards trust and confidence

 – chaired by Bishop Tor B Jørgensen, Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland

09.00  Opening remarks – Jamie Reed MP
09.15  Progress report on Sellafield Plan  - Todd Wright Sellafield Ltd/Mark Steele NDA
10.00  Update on HAL – Steve Walker SL/ Gordon Newsholme ONR

10.45 Coffee

11.00  Norwegian/Nordic views – Audun Garberg Political Adviser, Norwegian Environment Ministry/ Alfheidur Ingadottir (Iceland) and Jan Lindolm (Sweden) Nordic Council 
 11.45  The future management of oxide fuels at Sellafield - Jack Williamson SL/Adrian Simper NDA

 12.30  Lunch

 13.15  Safety performance and culture – Kliss McNeel SL
 14.00  Update on Sellafield “Stress Tests” – Phil Hallington SL/ Gordon Newsholme ONR

 14.45  Coffee
15.00  NRPA presentation – Ingar Amundsen NRPA
 15.45 Closing remarks and statement – Bishop Tor B. Jørgensen
 16.00 Conference closes

The joint statement is to be worked out of Robbie Huston, Nils Bøhmer and Per-Kaare Holdal


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