InfoArena - nuclear waste and safety - meeting point Lofoten

13 April 2011 
Skjærbrygga, Stamsund
07.30 Breakfast and registration
08.25 - Lofotens Johs Røde – Blowing in the wind (Bob Dylan)

08.30 Welcome to Lofoten from Mayor Jonny Finstad
08.45 Introduction from Bishop Tor B Jørgensen, Chairman of the conference
09.00 Presentation of food production in Lofoten - Anne Karine Statle, LofotenMat
09.15 Resumé of Brussels conference 3 March 2010 – Per-Kaare Holdal, Guradians of our common Seas
09.30 Jane Owen, UK's Ambassador to Norway

09.45 NDA Strategy - Dr Ian Hudson, Head of Programme, NDA (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) - Sellafield

10.15 Progress report - Stuart MacVean, Sellafield Ltd
- reduction of risks and major hazards (HLW)
- update on progress made during 2010
- safety culture at Sellafield
- major challenges ahead

11.00 Break

11.15 Presentation from Mark Bassett, The Health and Safety Executive's (HSE)Nuclear Directorate (also known as the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate - NII)
11.45 The norwegian view, Audun Garberg, Politican adviser, Norwegian Environment Department
12.15 A hypothetical accident at Sellafield - consequences for Norway
         Ingar Amundsen, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority

12.45 Lunch
- Lofotens Johs Røde – Sailing into the fall (Erik Bye)
13.45 Nordic responses - Álfheidur Ingadóttir and Jan Lindholm, Nordic Counsil

14.15 Q&A session   
         - Lofotens Johs Røde – If the shadow remain (Johs Røde)
14.45 Conference conclusions and announcement of the way forward
- Joint conference statement
15.45 Conference end

Registration to within the 2 nd April


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