Joint statement from the InfoArena – nuclear waste and safety

The meeting held in Stamsund 13 April was jointly hosted by Guardians of our Common Seas (GCS – formerly Lofoten mot Sellafield), Sellafield Ltd and the Bellona Foundation. It was the latest in a series of jointly held events dating back to 2003.  It focussed on the risks relating to nuclear waste at Sellafield and was an important venue for the different stakeholders to share information and concerns in an open and direct manner.

The meeting was addressed by a variety of key stakeholders including:

      -        Audun Garberg, representing the Norwegian Ministry of the
      -        Jane Owen, UK's Ambassador to Norway
      -        Ivar Kristiansen, Norwegian MP, Conservative Party
      -        Jan Lindholm, Swedish representative to the Nordic Council
      -        Ingar Amundsen, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority
      -        Álfheidur Ingadóttir Icelandic representative to the Nordic
Kim Kielsen, Greenland representative to the Nordic Council
      -        Stuart MacVean, Sellafield Ltd's Executive Director for
      Spent Fuels
      -        Ian Hudson, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s Head of
      the Sellafield programme
      -        Mark Bassett, Deputy Chief Inspector of the Office for
      Nuclear Regulation.

Together they considered presentations on the plans for reducing the hazard from the highly active liquor (HAL) stored at Sellafield.  Having considered the new regulatory requirements for HAL stocks Guardians of our common Seas and Bellona need further and more detailed information. The conference also focused on why reprocessing, which produces HAL, is being carried out and the progress being made in improving the safety culture at Sellafield.

As part of the conference’s conclusion the organisers agreed that a further conference will be arranged to take place in West Cumbria during the summer of 2012.  All participants of the conference remain committed to the established platform of continuing dialogue and the importance of an open and frank exchange of views that is vital for a common understanding.

Bellona and GCS seek the speedy emptying of tanks containing HAL and to ensure that reprocessing plants of THORP and Magnox are operated safely. In addition GCS and Bellona would like information that provides assurance that HAL stored at Sellafield does not represent a considerable pollution risk to the Nordic countries in the event of a serious accident.  They will pursue this through the agenda of the next meeting.  Sellafield Ltd (and their owners Nuclear Management Partners) and the NDA take the views and concerns of Norwegian stakeholders seriously and have participated willingly in this conference. They hope that the information exchanged has been beneficial to all who have participated and will help with a wider audience understand the Sellafield site and its activities.

The organisers underline their belief that continued discussions, between the UK and Norwegian regulators, is a vital component of the dialogue.
The organisers of the conference look forward to the conference in the UK next year and will continue to engage in positive dialogue until then.

Guardians of our Common Seas
Sellafield Ltd
The Bellona Foundation
For more information or +47 91106045
Photo: the ambassador of UK (the photos may be use - and we have more if you contacts us)

Kliss McNeel, Executive Director Environment,Health, Safety and Quality (EHS&Q) Sellafield Ltd, Stuart MacVean Director Spent Fuel Management Sellafield Ltd og Per-Kaare Holdal fra Lofoten mot Sellafield


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